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August 13, 2018
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September 10, 2018Back to School and the Fall season are just around the corner and, for many, that means a mad dash to finish projects around the home. And that typically involves deep cleaning the home to prepare for house guests. Just like spring cleaning, fall cleaning is also important. Not only will you create a clean and relaxing space for your guests but you will also prepare your home for the upcoming cooler months.
Preparing your home will prevent potential damage to your home not to mention saving you time and money in the long run. Below is a comprehensive fall cleaning checklist to help you get your home in tip top shape before the kids are back in class!
The Outside of Your Home:
- Clean and store away patio furniture, umbrellas, grills & children’s summer toys.
- Rake your leaves & either mulch them up with your mower to act as a fertilizer for your lawn or bag and dispose of them properly. This is not typically completed until at least late October.
- Remove thatch build-up in your yard.
- Clean out your garden of weeds and old vegetation.
- Give your trees and shrubs a good drink of water.
- Wash your exterior windows.
- Touch up paint on trim, railings and decks. It is best to complete this task when temperatures are above 40 degrees.
- Check caulk around windows and doors and re-caulk if needed.
- Put on storm doors & windows as well as installing weather-stripping on door thresholds.
- Drain and store your garden hoses and sprinkler systems.
- Check your gutters and downspouts for clogging and debris.
- Give your outdoor tools a tune up.
- Clean your chimney.
- Clean up any dog debris in your yard.
The Inside of Your Home
- Wash the inside of your windows.
- Turn your mattresses.
- Deep clean your carpets, curtains, and upholstery.
- Clean out refrigerator and freezer (also defrost if necessary).
- Clean stove and oven.
- Dust/clean ceiling fans, light fixtures, and high shelves.
- Remove clutter from shelves, cabinets, closets, and drawers.
- Replace light bulbs where necessary.
- Organize your kitchen cabinets for holiday cooking and entertaining.
- Change out seasonal closets.
- Clean baseboards.
- Clean or replace your humidifier elements.
- Check your dryer exhaust tube and vent for build-up.
- Have an inspection on your furnace.
- Stock up on furnace filters.
- Drain sediment from your water heater.
- Check all of your appliances in your home to ensure they are properly working.
- Scrub tub and toilet.